Improving Efficiency,
Extending Product Life Cycles,
Reducing Carbon Footprint.
Updating your buildings HVAC systems is one of the key ways to improve your buildings efficiency ratings and reduce your client’s carbon emissions. With Diffusion fancoils it is not necessary to always replace old with new fan coil units throughout the building.
Diffusion’s philosophy has always been that there is no need to replace any of their FCUs, rather we can update them with new fan decks embodying the latest technology, effectively improving their efficiencies without the capital investment that would be required for an entire new system. This approach will also significantly reduce the building’s carbon footprint.
Phase 1
In 2007 EirGrid moved into their Ballsbridge head office in The Oval Building. EirGrid Group operates and develops the electricity system in Ireland. Their strategy is shaped by climate change and the transition of the electricity sector to low-carbon, renewable energy.
Now, in an effort to both improve their own building’s carbon footprint and to reduce their own energy costs, Eirgid had requested we update their FCUs to bring them in line with current efficiencies. Initially in Phase 1 we supplied and installed twenty new fan decks along with replacement heating & cooling coils and airside damper actuators for the twenty Diffusion fancoil units.
The controls on the FCUs were also upgraded in order for the units to work with the new highly efficient EC fan decks. These controllers were free issued in order to make new control boxes and fit them to the units.
All of this meant that EirGrid were able to improve their energy efficiencies without replacing their current FCU units. In fact, the units were left in position throughout works, which resulted in maximum labour efficiency, avoiding double handling, and eliminated any impact on existing duct work.

Phase 2 – Roll Out
Alpha Mechanical who have completed many projects across Ireland and the UK, were the the mechanical contractor on this project. We worked with them on upgrade and testing of the units. Ensuring that the project was completed on time and to budget.
Now, the next phase of this job has now been commissioned and and it involves refurbishing all remaining FCUs in the building for EirGrid.
At Keane Environmental Ltd., we understand that every job, large or small, has its own challenges. We’d be delighted to work with you to find the correct solution for your building. If you’d like to hear more about this or any of our other projects, contact us today.
Client: Eirgrid
Main Contractor: The Interiors Group
Consulting Engineers: Delap & Waller
Mechanical Contractors: Alpha Mechanical
Suppliers: Keane Environmental Ltd.